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Wir heißen Sie auf unserer Website herzlich willkommen und freuen uns über Ihr Interesse am insight europe studio! Seit 2004 finden in unseren Räumlichkeiten im Zentrum Frankfurts qualitative Marktforschungsprojekte statt. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, sich mithilfe unserer Homepage ein Bild von unserer Arbeit zu machen.
Als Schweizer Marktführer und Pionier im Bereich Nutzerforschung, Usability, User Experience und Eye Tracking. Erforschen, gestalten, testen und optimieren wir Nutzererlebnisse. So, dass unsere Kunden. Ihr Marktpotential optimal ausschöpfen und ihre Geschäftsziele effizient erreichen können. Wir arbeiten innovativ, ganzheitlich, kompetent, wissenschaftlich abgestützt und branchenunabhängig.
Although the holiday shopping season still has nearly 4 weeks to go, the high-stakes, ultra-stressful Black Friday and Cyber Monday are behind us. For retailers, the last few days were all about. On the strategies that have been carefully planned for months. According to a piece in the Washington Post. Due to a major spike in mobile traffic.
행동관찰분석 and 아이트래킹 솔루션 블로그. 행동관찰분석 and 아이트래킹 솔루션 블로그. 행동관찰분석 and 아이트래킹 솔루션 블로그. 기능 설명 뿐 아니라 실험 또는 측정 시,.
What Is Eye Tracking? The interaction between the user and the screen is mediated by the eye. We evaluate usability based on visual behavior as well as clicks, errors and interview feedback. The eye is the window to the mind of the consumer. We use advanced eye tracking technology along with traditional methods to meet your marketing research objectives. Measuring Expertise - A New Era in Training. 512 VIA DE LA VALLE. SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075, USA.
The website supports automatic text to speech synthesis in GREEK language . Select the text click or press enter to hear content reading out loud. To stop reading just click anywhere. On July 15, 2014, Optotech Ltd. was among those companies who won a SelfService Excellence Award 2014. Optotech Ltd is being awarded a Self Service Awards for the second time. The award was for Innovation in the field of super markets and marketing using the technology of Eye Tracking.
Me a Blog by Tommy Strandvall. New Mobile Device Testing Solution from Tobii. Using a Tobii eye tracker and an EGI EEG system in the same E-prime experiment. The value of eye tracking vs. I recently recorded a new 10 minute long walkthough of the Tobii Studio. And the sample project here. We use them in quite differ.
Tribal Public Health Data Toolkits. General Health Problems and Cancers.